We are an e-payments service provider, not limited by scope. We have multiple products and services like a secure payment gateway, white label solutions, e-commerce services, online remittance, and merchant account amongst other things. As this world continues to evolve, so will we. Because progress is success.

Founded in the year 2020, Qpay a software enabled payment platform set its foot in the digital world and launched its operations in the year 2020. With a gamut of digital payment solutions, Qpay continues to help SMEs with digital payment issues and offer them scalable and reliable solutions that help them grow seamlessly in the market.

Early-stage growth companies face complex business scenarios as they grow and end up with high-cost centers for solving such issues with banks or other financial institutions. Qpay helps businesses with smart APIs and cost-effective solutions all at one single place.



1.1. The terms and conditions contained hereinafter (“Terms”) constitute an agreement between QAX TECH PRIVATE LIMITED, a company incorporated under the provisions of the Companies Act, 2013 and having its registered office at : H-28, PONVILA NAGAR, TIRUNELVELI, Tirunelveli, Tamil Nadu, 627011 (“Qpay”, “we”, “us” or “our”) which operates the Platform (defined below) and a natural or legal person who accesses and/or uses the Platform in any manner (“you” or “your”) or uses any current or future service or functionality or offer made available on the Platform, as updated from time to time.

1.2. By using the Platform, you expressly agree to be bound by the Terms. If you do not agree with any of the Terms, please do not use the Platform and Services (defined below). if you have any questions about the terms, please contact us at info@queepay.com. Please note that your access to the Services, other platforms, offers or promotions in relation to the Services as may be provided by us or our affiliates, may be governed by other terms and conditions, policies or guidelines (“Additional Terms”) along with these Terms. These Terms do not alter in any way the terms or conditions of any other written agreement you may have with Qpay for specific Services. If these Terms are inconsistent with any Additional Terms, the Additional Terms will control to the extent of such inconsistency with respect to the applicable Service. These Terms govern your use of the Platform and transaction or dealings thereon.

1.3. For the purposes of these Terms, “Platform” means the https://www.queepay.com/ which include its corresponding mobile application/wallet/ website/tablet/desktop/device or any other digital mode and/or operating system as provided by Qpay, on which you may avail the Services and includes applications controlled and managed by us which interact with one or more such mobile applications/ wallets/ websites/ tablets and digital modes as provided by us.

1.4 Please note that we may from time to time change the Terms that govern your use of the Platform. Every time you wish to use our Platform, please check these Terms to ensure you understand the terms and conditions that apply at that time. Further, please note that we reserve the right to either change the format and the content of the Platform or suspend the operation of the Platform for support or maintenance work, in order to update the content or for any other reason, at any time.

1.5. Any accessing, browsing, or otherwise using the Platform indicates your agreement to these Terms, the privacy policy of the Platform (available here: https://www.queepay.com/privacy-policy.php )and any other policies or guidelines that may be applicable on the Platform at the time of your access and usage of the Platform and which may be updated from time to time (collectively, the “Agreement”).

1.6. This document is an electronic record in terms of the Information Technology Act, 2000 and rules made thereunder as may be applicable, and the amended provisions pertaining to electronic records in various statutes as amended by the Information Technology Act, 2000. This electronic record is generated by a computer system and does not require any physical or digital signatures.

1.7. By accepting this Agreement, you affirm that you are 18 (Eighteen) years of age or above and are fully competent to enter into this Agreement, and to abide by and comply with this Agreement. If a user is below 18 (Eighteen) years of age, it is assumed that he/she is using/browsing the Platform under the supervision of his/her parent or legal guardian and that such users parent or legal guardian has read and agrees to the terms of this Agreement, including Terms on behalf of the minor user. In the event we are made aware that a user is under the age of 18 and is using/browsing the Platform without the supervision of his/her parent or legal guardian, we reserve the right to deactivate such users account without further notice. Further, if you are using the Services on behalf of a company or organisation, you represent that you have authority to act on behalf of that entity, and that such entity accepts this Agreement.


2.1. In order to use or avail the Services on the Platform, you will have to register on the Platform. You will be eligible to further access and avail the Services only upon receipt of a confirmation e-mail from us after filling in the necessary forms and after providing the necessary details and documentation as may be required by us at the time of your registration.

2.2. You are solely authorized to operate the account created by you. Consequently, it is your responsibility to maintain the confidentiality of the log in credentials of your account on the Platform and for restricting access to your computer/mobile/other similar devices to prevent unauthorized access to your account. You shall remain solely liable for all the actions undertaken through your account. You will: (a) immediately inform us of any unauthorized use of the account or any other security breach; and (b) ensure that you log out of your account at the end of each session. We, our employees, agents, directors and officers will not be liable for any loss or direct or indirect damage arising from your failure to comply with these Terms. You may be held liable for any losses incurred to us or any other user due to unauthorized use of their account. We reserve the right to refuse access to the Platform, terminate accounts, remove or edit content at any time without notice to you.

2.3. You understand and acknowledge that even though you may be allowed to operate the account created by you or execute transactions on the platform of Qpay, the funds shall not be settled to your account pending completion of your Know Your Customer (KYC) obligations in accordance with the RBI Guidelines (defined below). You understand that we reserve the right to not release the settlement amounts to you and may eventually reverse the funds to the account from where such payment originated due to non-completion of your KYC obligations.

2.4. You are solely responsible for understanding and complying with all applicable laws of your specific jurisdiction, including but not limited to the provisions of the Reserve Bank of India guidelines on Regulation of Payment Aggregators and Payment Gateways, Payment and Settlement Systems Act, 2007, Prevention of Money Laundering Act, 2002, Know Your Customer (KYC) / Anti-Money Laundering (AML) / Combating Financing of Terrorism (CFT) guidelines issued by the Department of Regulation, RBI from time to time, that may be applicable to you in connection with your business and use of our Services (“RBI Guidelines”)


3.1. Subject to these Terms and Additional Terms which may be communicated to you from time to time, Qpay offers on its Platform varied services including but not limited to the payment gateway and aggregation services provided by Qpay in relation to facilitation and settlement of online payments by providing multiple payment options (“Services”).

3.2. We may build upgrades or remove features from our existing Services to enhance your experience of using the Services. You acknowledge and agree that the form and nature of the Services which Qpay provides may change from time to time without any prior notice to you. We may also stop (permanently or temporarily) providing the Services (or any features within the Services) to you generally at Qpay’s sole discretion, without any prior notice.

3.3. You acknowledge that Qpay may at any time fix an upper limit on the number of transactions which may be undertaken by you on the Platform at its sole discretion. We will take reasonable efforts to inform you of such limits.


4.1. You grant to us a royalty-free, perpetual, irrevocable, non-exclusive right and license to adopt, publish, reproduce, disseminate, transmit, distribute, copy, use, create derivative works from, display worldwide, or act on any material posted by you on the Platform without additional approval or consideration in any form, media, or technology now known or later developed, for the full term of any rights that may exist in such content, and you waive any claim over all feedback, comments, ideas or suggestions or any other content provided through or on the Platform. You agree to perform all further acts necessary to perfect any of the above rights granted by you to Qpay, including the execution of deeds and documents, at its request.

4.2. You agree that we do not routinely monitor your postings on Platform but reserves the right to do so. However, if we become aware of inappropriate use of the Platform or any of its Services, we will respond in any way that, in its sole discretion, we deem appropriate. You acknowledge that we will have the right to report to law enforcement authorities of any actions that may be considered illegal, as well as any information it receives of such illegal conduct. When requested, we will co-operate fully with law enforcement agencies in any investigation of alleged illegal activity on the internet.

4.3. Submissions and unauthorised use of any materials contained on the Platform may violate copyright laws, trademark laws, the laws of privacy and publicity, certain communications statutes and regulations and other applicable laws and regulations. You alone are responsible for your actions or the actions of any person using your username and/or password. As such, you shall indemnify and hold us and our officers, directors, employees, affiliates, agents, licensors, and business partners harmless from and against any and all loss, costs, damages, liabilities, and expenses (including attorneys’ fees) incurred in relation to, arising from, or for the purpose of avoiding, any claim or demand from a third party that your use of the Platform or the use of the Platform by any person using your user name and/or password (including without limitation your participation in the posting areas or your submissions) violates any applicable law or regulation, or the rights of any third party.

4.4. We reserve the right to terminate access to this Platform at any time and without notice. Further this limited license terminates automatically, without notice to you, if you breach any of these Terms. Upon termination, you must immediately destroy any downloaded and printed materials. Any provision of the Terms which imposes an obligation or creates a right that by its nature will be valid after termination or expiration of the Terms shall survive the termination or expiration of the Terms.


5.1. You represent and warrant that: (a) your use of the Platform and/or Services will not violate any applicable law or regulation; (b) all information that is submitted to us in connection with Platform and/or Services is true, accurate and lawful; (c) use of the content and material you supply does not breach any applicable Agreement and will not cause injury to any person or entity (including that the content or material is not defamatory); and (d) the information and documents pertaining to your identity and address proof, as submitted for the purpose of know your client (KYC) verification with Qpay are true and genuine and are not fabricated or doctored in any way whatsoever. If at any time, the information provided by you is found to be false or inaccurate, we will have the right to reject registration, cancel all orders, and restrict you from using the Services and other affiliated services in the future without any prior intimation whatsoever. You agree to indemnify us and our affiliates for all claims brought by a third party against it or its affiliates arising out of or in connection with a breach of any of these warranties

5.2. You will use Platform for lawful purposes only and will not undertake any activity that is harmful to Platform or its content or otherwise not envisaged through the Platform. You have a limited license to access and use Platform, solely for the purpose of availing the Services, subject to these Terms.

5.3. You will not do any of the following:

5.3.1 Delete or modify any content on Platform, such as any information regarding the Services, their performance, sales or pricing;

5.3.2 Use any engine, software, tool, agent or other mechanism (such as spiders, robots, avatars, worms, time bombs etc.) to navigate or search Platform;

5.3.3 Make false or malicious statements against the Services, Platform or us;

5.3.4 Post, copy, submit, upload, distribute, or otherwise transmit or make available any software or other computer files that contain a virus or other harmful component, or otherwise disrupt or damage Platform and/or Services or any connected network, or otherwise interfere with any person or entity’s use or enjoyment of Platform and/or the Services;

5.3.5 Introduce any trojans, viruses, any other malicious software, any bots or scrape Platform for any information;

5.3.6 Probe, scan, or test the vulnerability of any system, security or authentication measures implemented by us or otherwise tamper or attempt to tamper with our technological design and architecture;

5.3.7 Hack into or introduce malicious software of any kind onto Platform;

5.3.8 Gain unauthorized access to, or interfere with, or damage, or disrupt the server on which the details connected to the Services are stored, or any other server, computer, or database connected to the Services; or

5.3.9 Engage in any form of antisocial, disruptive, or destructive acts, including “flaming”, “spamming”, “trolling”, “phishing” and “griefing” as those terms are commonly understood and used on the internet.

5.4. You are prohibited from hosting, displaying, uploading, modifying, publishing, transmitting, updating or sharing on or through Platform, any information that:

5.4.1 belongs to another person and to which you do not have any right;

5.4.2 is harmful, harassing, blasphemous, defamatory, obscene, pornographic, paedophilic, invasive of another’s privacy, hateful, relating to or encouraging money laundering or gambling, or otherwise harmful in any manner whatsoever;

5.4.3 harms minors in any way;

5.4.4 infringes any patent, trademark, copyright or other proprietary rights;

5.4.5 violates any law for the time being in force;

5.4.6 deceives or misleads the addressee about the origin of such messages or communicates any information which is grossly offensive or menacing in nature;

5.4.7 impersonates or defames another person;

5.4.8 contains software viruses or any other computer code, files or programs designed to interrupt, destroy or limit the functionality of any computer resource; or

5.4.9 engage in and/or encourage money laundering or gambling, or otherwise unlawful in any manner whatsoever.

5.5. You agree to use the Services only for purposes that are permitted by (a) these Terms; and (b) any applicable law, regulation or generally accepted practices or guidelines in the relevant jurisdictions.

5.6. You agree to use the data owned by Qpay (as available on the Platform) only for personal purposes and not for any commercial use unless agreed to by Qpay in writing.

5.7. Where you use the Platform for any commercial use, you shall (a) not store any customer card and such related date in any form or manner whatsoever on your websites/ servers, and (b) ensure that the correct line of business as disclosed and declared to Qpay is undertaken. Qpay reserves the right to withhold settlements and/ or suspend transactions in case of any mismatch or violation in your declaration subject to the applicable laws.

5.8. You agree not to access (or attempt to access) any of the Services by any means other than through the interface that is provided by Qpay, unless you have been specifically allowed to do so in a separate agreement with Qpay. You specifically agree not to access (or attempt to access) any of the Services through any automated means (including use of scripts or web crawlers).

5.9. Unless you have been specifically permitted to do so in a separate agreement with Qpay, you agree that you will not reproduce, duplicate, copy, sell, trade or resell the Services for any purpose. You agree that Qpay (or Qpay’s licensors) owns all legal and proprietary right, title and interest in and to the Services, including any intellectual property rights which subsist in the Services (whether those rights happen to be registered or not, and wherever in the world those rights may exist). You further acknowledge that the Services may contain information which is designated confidential by Qpay and that you shall not disclose such information without Qpay’s prior written consent.

5.10. Unless you have agreed otherwise in writing with Qpay, nothing in the Terms gives you a right to use any of Qpay’s trade names, trademarks, service marks, logos, domain names, and other distinctive brand features. Unless you have been expressly authorized to do so in writing by Qpay, you agree that in using the Services, you will not use any trade mark, service mark, trade name, logo of any company or organization in a way that is likely or intended to cause confusion about the owner or authorized user of such marks, names or logos.


6.1. You agree to comply with all applicable commercial and public anti-bribery and anti-corruption laws (including but not limited to the provisions of Prevention of Corruption Act, 1988, Prevention of Money Laundering Act, 2002, Foreign Contribution (Regulation) Act, 2010, and any amendments thereto) which prohibits you or your officials, representatives, agents or any other person associated with or acting on your behalf from giving, offering, promising to offer, receiving/ accepting or acting in any other manner so as to induce a payment, gift, hospitality or anything of value (either directly or indirectly) whether from within the country or from abroad to government officials, publics servants, regulatory bodies, judicial authorities, persons in positions of authority, elected or contesting electoral candidates, political parties or office bearers thereof or any other third party or person in order to obtain an improper commercial/business advantage of any kind. Government Officials include any government employee, candidate for public office, an employee of government – owned or government – controlled companies, public international organisation and political parties.

6.2. You also agree not to give, offer, pay, promise or authorise to give or pay, directly or through any other person, anything of value to anybody for the purpose of inducing or rewarding any favourable action or influencing a decision in your favour. You agree and undertake that it is compliant with and shall do/ undertake all acts necessary to continue to be compliant with the provisions of Know Your Customer (KYC) / Anti-Money Laundering (AML) / Combating Financing of Terrorism (CFT) guidelines issued by the Department of Regulation, RBI, as amended from time to time.


You agree to indemnify, defend and hold harmless Qpay, its affiliates, officers, directors, employees, consultants, licensors, agents, and representatives from and against any and all third- party claims, losses, liabilities, damages, and/or costs (including reasonable attorney fees and costs) arising from your access to or use of Platform or the Services, violation of these Terms, or infringement of any intellectual property or other rights of Qpay or any third-party. Qpay will notify you promptly of any such claim, loss, liability, or demand, and in addition to the foregoing, you agree to provide Qpay with reasonable assistance, at their expense, in defending any such claim, loss, liability, damage, or cost.


8.1. You acknowledge that you may receive or have access to certain confidential and proprietary information, including without limitation, information belonging and/or relating to Qpay and its affiliates, marketing prospects, contractors, officers, directors or shareholders, personal data of your customers, financial and operational information, billing records, business model, etc. (“Confidential Information”).

8.2. You agree to keep Confidential Information in confidence and take necessary safety measures and steps to maintain the confidentiality and secrecy of the Confidential Information from public disclosure, and you shall at all times maintain appropriate measures to protect the security and integrity of the Confidential Information.

8.3. You hereby agree and undertake to take all necessary measures to ensure that your website or any other computer system that is being used to effect transactions by the usage of Services does not store/ save any customer card or any other such related data. You further undertake that you shall be responsible for ensuring complete and absolutely privacy, anonymity and security of all customer data flowing through your systems during the usage of the Services by you.


9.1. In the event we are intimated, by an acquiring bank or a card payment network, that a customer has reported an unauthorised debit of the customer’s payment instrument (“Fraudulent Transaction”), then Qpay shall be entitled to suspend the settlement of the amount associated with the Fraudulent Transaction during the pendency of inquiries, investigations and resolution thereof by the acquiring bank or the card payment network.


10.1. We will try to ensure that all information and recommendations, whether in relation to the Services, offerings or otherwise (hereinafter “Information”) provided as part of this Platform is correct at the time of inclusion on the Platform. We do not guarantee the accuracy of the Information. We make no representations or warranties as to the completeness or accuracy of Information.

10.2. You agree that Information is being supplied to you on the condition that you will make your own determination as to the suitability of such information for your purpose prior to use or in connection with the making of any decision. No Information at the Platform shall constitute an invitation to invest in or any affiliates. Any use of this Platform or the Information is at your own risk. Neither we, our affiliates, nor their officers, employees or agents shall be liable for any loss, damage or expense arising out of any access to, use of, or reliance upon, this website, the Information, or any third-party website linked to this Platform. We are not responsible for the content of any third-party sites and does not make any representations regarding the content or accuracy of material on such sites. If you decide to access links of any third-party platforms, you are doing so entirely at your own risk and expense.

10.3. We do not covenant or provide any representations and warranties:

10.4. in respect of quality, suitability, accuracy, reliability, performance, safety, merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose/consumption or the content on Platform;

  • that the Services will be made available at all times; and
  • that the operation of Platform, including the functions contained in any content, information and materials on Platform or any third-party sites or services linked to Platform will be uninterrupted, or that the defects will be rectified, or that Platform or the servers that make such content, information and materials available are free of viruses or other harmful components.



11.1. Applicable Law and Jurisdiction: These Terms are governed by and to be interpreted in accordance with laws of India, without regard to the choice or conflicts of law provisions of any jurisdiction. You agree, in the event of any dispute arising in relation to these Terms or any dispute arising in relation to the Platform whether in contract or tort or otherwise, to submit to the jurisdiction of the courts located at New Delhi, India for the resolution of all such disputes.

11.2. Grievance Officer: In accordance with the applicable law, any grievances which you may have with respect to the information shared by you with us hereunder and its treatment or any grievance related to Services being availed hereunder, may be directed by you to the grievance officer of Qpay at the below mentioned coordinates:


Email Address: info@queepay.com

Designation: Grievance cum Nodal Officer


Qpay will not be held responsible for any delay or failure to comply with its obligations if the delay or failure arises from any cause which is beyond Qpay’s reasonable control.


No provision in these Terms will be deemed waived and no breach excused, unless such waiver or consent is in writing and signed by Qpay. Any consent by Qpay to, or waiver of your breach, whether expressed or implied, will not constitute consent to, waiver of, or excuse for any other different or subsequent breach.


If any provision of these Terms is held by a court of competent jurisdiction to be unenforceable under applicable law, then such provision will be excluded from these Terms and the remainder of these Terms will be interpreted as if such provision were so excluded and will be enforceable in accordance with its terms; provided however that, in such event, these Terms will be interpreted so as to give effect, to the greatest extent consistent with and permitted by applicable law, to the meaning and intention of the excluded provision as determined by such court of competent jurisdiction.


These Terms are subject to amendments and modifications and may be updated from time to time, without any advance notice. You are requested to regularly review the Terms as available on the Platform. Your relationship with the Platform will be governed by the most current version of these Terms, as published on Platform.


16.1. In addition to these Terms, you will also ensure that you are in compliance with the terms and conditions of the third parties, such as bank offers terms and conditions, brand promotional offers, whose links, if any, are contained/embedded in the Services. You agree that Qpay will not be liable for any transaction between itself and any such third parties.

16.2 These Terms supersede all previous oral and written terms and conditions (if any) communicated to you by Qpay, for the use of Platform, and the rights and liabilities with respect to any Services to be provided by Qpay shall be limited to the scope of these Terms.


Qpay is committed to protecting the privacy of your information. This Privacy Statement describes the company’s Web site privacy practices.

1 – Website

This Privacy Statement covers the information practices of: www.queepay.com

2 – Information Collected & Use

Qpay offers a variety of services that are collectively referred to as the “Services”. Qpay collects information from individuals who visit the Web sites (“Visitors”) and individuals who register to use the Services (“Customers”). Qpay is committed to protecting your data and complying to all appropriate legislation. This document details:

  • What personal information we collect?
  • Why and how do we use the information?
  • With whom do we share the information?
  • Your rights relating to the data we collect?
  • When do we delete the information?
  • What choices do we give you, and how can you correct or review your personal information?
  • Changes and adjustments

Notwithstanding any other provision in this Privacy Policy, you agree that Qpay shall be entitled to use and disclose any data, information and feedback arising from your use of the Service, subject to such data being anonymized and such use and disclosure being in compliance with applicable Privacy Laws.

2.1 – What personal information we collect?

Qpay collects selected personal information when you register with us, request information, or when you use Qpay products or services. When you register or request information we request the following:

  • First and Last Names
  • Contact email address
  • Mobile Number
  • Contact List
  • Company Name
  • Industry

As you use our products and services we may also request additional information in order to deliver the product or services. We will also collect payment information, e.g. your credit card number, and billing address if you purchase or license products and services from us. If you visit our website(s), we also record information about the browser, device type, browser type and language, your Internet Protocol (IP) address, and geographic data associated with the IP address etc. Other data as you choose to upload into Qpay product(s),

2.2 – Why and how do we use the information?

The information collected as described above is used to:

  • Mobile number : we use your number to login and identify you for providing our DMT services.
  • Prepare and deliver services or product you’ve requested.
  • Create user profiles and give you access to our range of products and services
  • For billing and invoicing purposes
  • Operating our internal operations, systems, products, and services
  • Understanding user experience with a view to enhance the user experience of our services and products.
  • Provide customer support related to our services and product.
  • Send service-related information associated with our products and services, including confirmation but not limited to of actions taken (e.g. change of password), invoices raised, updates and enhancements, security alerts plus support and administrative messages
  • Updates about promotions, upcoming events, and news about products and services
  • Contact List – For showing drop down menu of users at the time of transferring money or recharging.

In addition, data that is uploaded by the user (either directly by the user using CSV, Google Sheets or via an authenticated API connection) is used to derive KPIs (Key Performance Indicators). These KPIs are either predefined by Qpay or defined by the end user.

2.3 – With whom do we share the information?

We may share your personal data with service providers we hire for to perform services on our behalf, for example generation of invoices and bills. These service providers do not have the right to use your data for their own purposes.

Qpay does not rent, sell, or share data about you with other people or non-affiliated companies.

From time to time, Qpay may partner with other companies to jointly offer products or services. If you purchase or specifically express interest in a jointly-offered product or service from Qpay the Group may share Data about Qpay Customers collected in Qpay, connection with your purchase or expression of interest with our joint promotion partner(s). Qpay does not control our business partners’ use of the Data about Qpay Customers we collect, and their use of the information will be in accordance with their own privacy policies. If you do not wish for your information to be shared in this manner, you may opt not to purchase or specifically express interest in a jointly offered product or service.

Qpay shall be entitled to use any data, information and feedback arising from your use of the Service, subject to use of the data arising from your use of the Service being anonymized and in compliance with applicable Privacy Laws.

Qpay reserves the right to use or disclose information provided if required by law or if the Company reasonably believes that use or disclosure is necessary to protect the Company’s rights and/or to comply with a judicial proceeding, court order, or legal process.

2.4 – Your rights relating to the data we collect?

You have Right to:

Be informed

We are obliged to ‘fair processing information’ on how your typically how personal data will be used. We are using this declaration for this purpose.


You have the right to obtain confirmation as to whether personal data concerning is being processed, where and for what purpose. We are using this declaration for this purpose.


You are entitled to have personal data rectified if it is inaccurate or incomplete

Restrict Processing

  • Have your personal data erased
  • Cease further dissemination of the data
  • Potentially have third parties halt processing of the data

Data Portability

You have the right to obtain and reuse their personal data. It allows you to move, copy or transfer your personal data easily from one IT environment to another in a safe and secure way, without hindrance to usability.


You have the right to object to the use of your personal data for direct marketing.

Automated Deletion Marking & Profiling

We use anonymised data in our profiling activities

3. Web Site Navigational Information

Qpay uses commonly-used information-gathering tools, such as cookies and Web beacons, to collect information as you navigate the Company’s Web site (“Web Site Navigational Information”). This section describes the types of Web Site Navigational Information that may be collected on the company’s Web site and how this information may be used.

3.1 Cookies

Qpay uses cookies to make interactions with the Company’s Web site easy and meaningful. When you visit the Company’s Web site, Qpay ‘s servers send a cookie to your computer. Standing alone, cookies do not personally identify you. They merely recognise your Web browser. Unless you choose to identify yourself to Qpay either by responding to a promotional offer, opening an account, or filling out a Web form (such as a “Contact Me”), you remain anonymous to the Group. Qpay uses cookies that are session-based and persistent-based. Session cookies exist only during one session. They disappear from your computer when you close your browser software or turn off your computer. Persistent cookies remain on your computer after you close your browser or turn off your computer.

If you have chosen to identify yourself to Qpay the Group uses session cookies containing encrypted information to allow the Group to uniquely identify you. Each time you log into the Services, a session cookie containing an encrypted, unique identifier that is tied to your account is placed your browser. These session cookies allow the Group to uniquely identify you when you are logged into the Services and to process your online transactions and requests. Session cookies are required to use the Services.

Qpay uses persistent cookies that only the Group can read and use to identify browsers that have previously visited the Group’s Web site. When you purchase the Services or provide the Group with personal information, a unique identifier is assigned you. This unique identifier is associated with a persistent cookie that the Group places on your Web browser. The Group is especially careful about the security and confidentiality of the information stored in persistent cookies. For example, the Group does not store account numbers or passwords in persistent cookies. If you disable your Web browser’s ability to accept cookies, you will be able to navigate the Group’s Web site, but you will not be able to successfully use the Services.

Qpay may use information from session and persistent cookies in combination with Data about Qpay Customers to provide you with information about the Company and the Services.

3.2 Web Beacons

Qpay uses web beacons alone or in conjunction with cookies to compile information about Customers and Visitors’ usage of the Group’s Web site and interaction with emails from the Group. Web beacons are clear electronic images that can recognize certain types of information on your computer, such as cookies, when you viewed a particular Web site tied to the Web beacon, and a description of a Web site tied to the Web beacon. For example, Qpay may place web beacons in marketing emails that notify the Group when you click on a link in the email that directs you to one of the Group’s Web site. Qpay uses web beacons to operate and improve the Group’s Web site and email communications.

Qpay may use information from web beacons in combination with Data about Qpay Customers to provide you with information about the Group and the Services.

3.3 Flash Cookies

May use local shared objects, also known as flash cookies, to store your preferences or display content based upon what you view on our site to personalise your visit. Third parties, with whom the Group partners to provide certain features on our site or to display advertising based upon Qpay your Web browsing activity, use flash cookies to collect and store information.

Flash cookies are different from browser cookies because of the amount of, type of, and how data is stored. Cookie management tools provided by your browser will not remove flash cookies. To learn how to manage privacy and storage settings for flash cookies click here.

3.4 IP Addresses

When you visit Qpay ‘s Web site, the Group collects your Internet Protocol (“IP”) addresses to track and aggregate non-personal information. For example, Qpay uses IP addresses to monitor the regions from which Customers and Visitors navigate the Group’s Web site.

3.5 Third Party Cookies

From time-to-time, Qpay engages third parties to track and analyses usage and volume statistical information from individuals who visit the Group’s Web site. Qpay may also use other third-party cookies to track the performance of Group advertisements. The information provided to third parties does not include personal information, but this information may be re-associated with personal information after the Group receives it.

Qpay may also contract with third-party advertising networks that collect IP addresses and other Web Site Navigational Information on the Group’s Web site and emails and on third-party Web sites. Ad networks follow your online activities over time by collecting Web Site Navigational Information through automated means, including through the use of cookies. They use this information to provide advertisements about products and services tailored to your interests. You may see these advertisements on other Web sites. This process also helps us manage and track the effectiveness of our marketing efforts. To learn more about these and other advertising networks and their opt-out instructions, click here.

3.6 Links to other websites

Our website may contain links to other websites of interest. However, once you have used these links to leave our site, you should note that we do not have any control over that other website. Therefore, we cannot be responsible for the protection and privacy of any information which you provide whilst visiting such sites and such sites are not governed by this privacy statement. You should exercise caution and look at the privacy statement applicable to the website in question.

Flash cookies are different from browser cookies because of the amount of, type of, and how data is stored. Cookie management tools provided by your browser will not remove flash cookies. To learn how to manage privacy and storage settings for flash cookies click here.

4. Public Forums and Customer Testimonials

Qpay may provide bulletin boards, blogs, or chat rooms on the Group’s Web site. Any personal information you choose to submit in such a forum may be read, collected, or used by others who visit these forums, and may be used to send you unsolicited messages. Qpay is not responsible for the personal information you choose to submit in these forums.

Qpay may post a list of Customers and testimonials on the Group’s Web site that contains information such as Customer names and titles. Qpay obtains the consent of each Customer prior to posting any information on such a list or posting testimonials.

5. International Transfer of Information Collected

To facilitate In.Corp’s global operations, the Group may transfer and access Data about Qpay Customers from around the world. This Privacy Statement shall apply even if Qpay transfers Data about Qpay Customers to other countries.

Flash cookies are different from browser cookies because of the amount of, type of, and how data is stored. Cookie management tools provided by your browser will not remove flash cookies. To learn how to manage privacy and storage settings for flash cookies click here.

6. Communications Preferences

Qpay offers Customers and Visitors who provide contact information a means to choose how the Group uses the information provided. You may manage your receipt of marketing and non-transactional communications by clicking on the “unsubscribe” link located on the bottom of the Group’s marketing emails. Additionally, you may send a request specifying your communications preferences to Contact@Qpay.com Customers cannot opt out of receiving transactional emails related to their account with Qpay or the Services.

7. Security

Qpay uses appropriate administrative, technical, and physical security measures to protect Data about Qpay Customers.

8. Changes to this Privacy Statement

Qpay reserves the right to change this Privacy Statement. Qpay will provide notification of the material changes to this Privacy Statement through the Group’s Web site at least thirty (30) business days prior to the change taking effect.

9. Contacting Us

Questions regarding this Privacy Statement or the information practices of the Group’s Web site should be directed to info@queepay.com


Service Delivery

Upon completion of payment, the guest/wallet user will within a few hours, receive a confirmation email with a transaction ID number and Payment Details by email/SMS or can access it by logging into the personal portal, that is valid for utilisation for service PLEASE DO MAKE A NOTE OF THE TRANSACTION ID PROVIDED BY THE QPAY PAYMENT GATEWAY BEFORE PROCEEDING WITH THE PAYMENTS

Refund Policy

All sales/services are final and there will be no refund or exchange permitted. Please be advised that You are responsible for the purchase and all charges that result from those purchases. However, in a case where a transaction has been completed by you on the Site, and money has been charged to your card or bank account but has not delivered within 15 days of your completion of the transaction then you may inform us by sending us an email on info@ queepay.com or post us a message on the contact us page. In such a scenario you will be entitled to a full refund. We request you to include in the email the following details -Transaction date and Order Number. Qpay shall investigate the incident and if it is found that money was indeed charged to your card or bank account without delivery then you will be refunded the money within 7 working days from the date of the receipt of your email.

Dispute and resolution policy

In case of any dispute Customer/Merchant can reach to Help Desk over the mail with the details. Qpay will try to provide an amicable solution to both the parties subject to dispute. Qpay Decision will be final in case of any Dispute.

Cancellation policy

Each Merchant/service provider has its own refund and cancellation policy, as a result of which we adhere to the same. Also, refunds will be done only through the Original Mode of Payment.

Refund Policy and process

The reservations which are applicable for refund as per the cancellation policy specified in each booking will be entitled for refund (if applicable) and will be refunded within 15 working days from the date of cancellation request after the deduction of payment gateway processing charges.

Contact US


H-28, PONVILA NAGAR, TIRUNELVELI, Tirunelveli, Tamil Nadu, 627011

Tel: 0462 355 6982

Email id: info@queepay.com

Web: www.queepay.com